Origami Weapons

How to Make Paper Knife | Origami Paper Knife

Today we will learn How to Make Paper Knife . A paper knife is easy to make origami toy that anyone can make, paper knives are mostly used by kids to play with each other. We will give a short guide on how to make a paper knife. …

How to Make a Paper Sword | Paper Sword

This blog is a short guide that will tell you How to Make a Paper Sword. A paper sword is an origami craft that kids use to play with. Making a paper sword is very easy you just need some paper and some little more things. In thi…

How to Make Paper Bomb | Make Paper Bomb

We are providing a quick short guide on How to Make Paper Bomb . Paper Bombs produce a certain sound. Making paper bombs is very easy you just need 1 paper and my paper bomb instructions so let's begin in the journey of makin…

How to Make a Ninja Star | Make Paper Ninja Star

We are providing an easy guide on How to Make a Ninja Star an  origami ninja star is a paper ninja star that anyone can make even a kid an origami ninja star is a paper that just contains some folding and cuttings of paper we ar…

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