How to Make Paper Knife | Origami Paper Knife

Today we will learn How to Make Paper Knife. A paper knife is easy to make origami toy that anyone can make, paper knives are mostly used by kids to play with each other. We will give a short guide on how to make a paper knife.

Topic: How to Make Paper Knife

Step 1: Get 2 pieces of paper, the size of the paper are according to your choice and the colour of the paper which you are using for making paper knife can be different it will look good otherwise you can use the same colours to make a paper knife.

Step 2: We will make the blade of the paper knife. Get a paper fold it, depends on how much strong you want to be your paper knife, after completing it apply glue and left it for some time then use a pencil and draw a structure like shown in the image the cut it out.

Step 3: We will make the handle of the paper knife. Get another piece of paper fold it around the blade this will help in the measure of the paper knife blade then fold it after it, use a pencil, and draw a structure like shown in the image after it cut the little middle part of the paper knife handle.

Step 4: We will make rings for the paper knife handle. Cut some pieces of the handle and give them a ring shape and add them using glue to the handle.

Step 5: Add glue and add both the paper knife handle and blade as shown in the image.


Making paper knives are very easy. This blog How to Make Paper Knife helps very much to make paper knives. While making these paper knives I was enjoying the time. Paper knives are fabulous.

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