How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

This is a quick short guide on an Origami Balloon you will learn here how to make an Origami Balloon it is not very tough to make an origami balloon it just needs some paper, scissors and my origami balloon instructions. An origami balloon is a paper balloon that anyone can make with their hands. An origami balloon is an easy origami toy that can be made by anyone even by you. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Topic: How to Make an Origami Balloon 

Step 1: Gather a square paper if you want to know to make any paper into a square then read our blog Make any Paper into Square Paper. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Step 2: Fold that square into a triangle by folding the top corners to their opposite bottom corners then unfolding it after it from the middle. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Step 3: Fold the top corners into the middle by pushing corners into the middle if you have followed Step 2 then it will happen if not then it will not happen. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Step 4: Give this triangle a diamond shape by folding the bottom corners to the top do this on the backside also. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Step 5: Now fold the side middle to middle do this with all sides and parts. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Step 6: Fold the tip of the top portion by folding it in the diamond flaps which we had made in step 5 for Origami Balloon do this with all sides and all parts. 

How to Make an Origami Balloon | Origami Balloon

Step 7: Blow air in this Origami Balloon your Origami Balloon is ready now. 


Our blog How to Make an Origami Balloon give instructions on origami balloon how to make them, what to do and other things. The making of this paper balloon is very easy anyone can make it you can also make an origami balloon. You should try making an origami balloon. 

Uses of Origami Balloon 

There are many uses for origami balloons you can use this origami balloon for decorations, parties and others this origami Ballon will look fabulous. In school projects, you can submit this origami balloon. This is mainly for kids because it doesn't get damaged fast. After all, it is made up of paper origami balloons is string enough.

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